Row in Spain over Catalonia's language policy

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's minority government wants to have a say in Catalonia's language policy. And because the region's autonomy has been suspended by Article 155 it can now do so. Madrid is contemplating introducing new legislation that would allow parents to decide whether their children are taught in Catalan or Spanish at schools. What to make of this?

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ABC (ES) /

Time to enforce constitution without ifs and buts

The centralist newspaper ABC finds it good that Madrid is taking action to reestablish law and order in Catalonia:

“The fact that the central government has had to take the reins in the region to put an end to a situation that is a grievous insult and discrimination exposes the gravity of the problem. It is a good thing that the law is being imposed in Catalonia but the question is what will happen when Article 155 ceases to apply and separatist groups take control of school policy once more. The answer should be clear: in the future the central government must guarantee that the constitution is respected without any exceptions.”

El Periódico de Catalunya (ES) /

Hands off language policy!

A caretaker government must not use its power to overrule a significant social consensus, El Periódico de Catalunya warns:

“Such a decision clearly must not be made by a caretaker government. It pertains to the very core of the Catalan educational system which is backed by a broad social and political consensus. That consensus goes far beyond the separatist parties and is supported by educationalists, sociologists, teachers and the vast majority of families. ... It cannot be acceptable for the [ruling] People's Party, embroiled in a competition with Ciudadanos that is worsening rather than resolving the Catalan crisis, to use the extraordinary powers it has been granted by Article 155 to take decisions in an area as sensitive as the main language spoken in schools.”