Pride Parade: Stockholm and Riga in comparison

Pride Month was celebrated worldwide in June - but in some countries the celebrations are only just starting now. Stockholm Pride and Baltic Pride in Riga are taking place this week. A glance at the two countries' press shows how different the attitudes are in the two cities.

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Expressen (SE) /

The army knows which values it defends

As in past years, the Swedish military will also march during Stockholm Pride Week. In addition, the army put out an ad at the start of the celebrations showing soldiers in combat gear with rainbow flags. Expressen sees this as quite logical:

“They can't defend democracy if they don't share its values. It is vital that the armed forces fly the rainbow as long as the Pride flag and the rights of sexual minorities are still disputed.”

Neatkarīgā (LV) /

The goal is division and ridicule

For Neatkarīga, the parade in Riga is a thorn in its side:

“It's no wonder the Riga city council approved Baltic Pride, given that liberal Marxists are in power in the Latvian capital. And it's also no wonder that the country's MPs are keeping their mouths shut about this brash event. We have a 'mega-strong' and 'united' coalition. And no one in this coalition will have the courage to say that Baltic Pride is organised with the aim of annoying people, dividing society and mocking the traditional values that have miraculously survived.”