
Daily newspaper


Südostschweiz was founded in 1997 by a merger of several regional papers, some of which were over a hundred years old. It is distributed in the cantons of Graubünden, Schwyz and Glarus. Its publisher Südostschweiz Mediengruppe competes with the NZZ Media Group, which also publishes in said cantons. Since a new editor-in-chief took over in 2016 Südostschweiz has concentrated on boosting its circulation by specialising in coverage of local events (Graubünden first). The publisher of Südostschweiz also operates a TV and radio station.

Political orientation Liberal
Circulation 73,000 (2019)
Frequency of publication Monday to Saturday
Visits 1.000.000 - 5.000.000
Online payment model Content partially fee-based
Location Chur, Switzerland
Publisher Somedia
Area of distribution Regional
Established 1997
Address Sommeraustr. 32, 7007 Chur
Phone 0041 81 255 50 50
Email zentralredaktion@suedostschweiz.ch
Twitter @suedostschweiz