Nasz Dziennik

Daily newspaper

Nasz Dziennik is a daily newspaper that tries to teach Catholic values and covers all the areas from politics to sport. It is closely aligned with the national conservative Law and Justice party (PiS). It is owned by the Polish priest Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, who has built up his own media empire that includes radio and TV stations. Rydzyk is said to wield considerable political influence. The paper has a steady readership consisting mainly of older citizens.

Political orientation Catholic
Frequency of publication Monday to Saturday
Online payment model Content partially fee-based
Location Warsaw, Poland
Publisher Spes sp. z o.o
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1998
Address ul. Żeligowskiego 16/20, 04-476 Warszawa
Phone 0048 22 515 77 77
Twitter @NaszDziennik