Proto Thema

Weekly newspaper

Proto Thema is Greece's most widely read Sunday paper. It was owned by journalist Themos Anastasiadis, who died of cancer in 2019. Anastasiadis was charged with data protection violations, among other things, but was acquitted. The newspaper was accused of trying to improve the image of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party because in recent years it has published several articles that depict the party leadership and members as bourgeois citizens.

Political orientation Liberal
Circulation 41,590 (April 2020)
Frequency of publication Weekly on Sundays
Visits 5.000.000 – 10.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Athens, Greece
Publisher Proto Thema AE
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 2005
Address Agrafon 5, 15123 Marousi, Athen
Phone 0030 21 06 88 07 00
Twitter @protothema