Rádio Renascença



Rádio Renascença (Radio Rebirth) is a private Catholic radio station with a conservative stance. It focuses on informational programmes and music. It is owned by the Catholic Church in Portugal, which founded the radio station in 1934 to reach out to Catholics and broadcast church services for the first time in the country's history. With more than 2.5 million visits per month RR's website is easily the most popular radio website in Portugal.

Political orientation Catholic
Frequency of publication Daily
Visits 1.000.000 - 5.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Lisbon, Portugal
Publisher Rádio Renascença Lda. (Patriarcado de Lisboa e Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa)
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1934
Address Quinta do Bom Pastor, Estrada da Buraca 8-12, 1549-025 Lissabon;
Phone 00351 213 239 200
Email mail@rr.pt
Twitter @Renascenca