Moskovski Komsomolets (MK) was formerly the newspaper of the Communist Party's youth organisation. After 1991 it was privatised and has belonged to its current editor-in-chief Pavel Gusev ever since. MK is now Russia's highest circulation daily and relies on a combination of tabloid and serious newspaper coverage to attract readers. Its general political orientation is pro-Kremlin. Gusev has been on Western sanctions lists since 2022.

Political orientation | Pro-government |
Circulation | 700,000 |
Frequency of publication | several times a week |
Visits | 40.000.000 – 50.000.000 |
Online payment model | All content for free |
Location | Moscow, Russia |
Publisher | Moskowskij Komsomolez |
Area of distribution | Nationwide |
Established | 1919 |
Address | Moscow, 125993, Uliza 1905 goda, 7, str. 1 |
Phone | 007 49 56 09 44 44 | | |
@mkomsomolets |