China Daily

Daily newspaper

China Daily is the largest English-language daily in China. Although it is state-owned, it is not officially a mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party and is considered more liberal than the other Chinese state newspapers. It is, however, subject to state censorship. It is aimed primarily at foreigners living in China. Two thirds of its circulation is distributed abroad. There is also a US edition, an Africa edition, and a European edition, and it is available in Chinese and French as well as English.

Political orientation Pro-government
Circulation 800,000, davon fast zwei Drittel außerhalb Chinas (2019)
Frequency of publication Daily
Online payment model All content for free
Location Beijing, China
Publisher The State Council of the People's Republic of China
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1981
Address No.15 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China
Twitter @ChinaDaily