Kyiv Post

Weekly newspaper

This newspaper, founded in 1995, is the oldest Ukrainian newspaper in the English language. It was on the side of the pro-western demonstrators during the Orange Revolution in 2004, and also supported the demonstrators on Maidan in 2013/2014. Even though it has supported politicians like Julia Tymoshenko and Petro Poroshenko in the past, it aims to be neutral. Time and again, in very well researched articles, it has uncovered corrupt links between politics, business and mafia-like structures. In the metropolises it is available for free in all locations where foreigners stay (co-working spaces, hotels, conference centers).

Political orientation Liberal
Circulation 10,000
Frequency of publication weekly
Visits 10.000.000 – 20.000.000
Online payment model Content partially fee-based
Location Kiev, Ukraine
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1995
Address 31A Pushkinska Street, Suite 600, 6th Floor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01004
Phone 0038 44 591 3344
Twitter @KyivPost