Kleine Zeitung sees no reason to worry: Strictly speaking, the Hungarian presidency can be regarded as a lucky break. After all, the ...
According to the Kleine Zeitung, the EU should now focus on urgent tasks: With all the debate surrounding EU leaders, it is easy to ...
It's illusory to see Europe and China as partners, the Kleine Zeitung argues: We shouldn't fool ourselves: the EU is in a weak position ...
Admitting new countries is also a way for the EU to limit unwanted influence, the Kleine Zeitung notes: Now it is only Kosovo that must ...
The Kleine Zeitung sees both the EU and Hungary feeling blackmailed: The 'internal papers' are rarely blown in by the wind through an open ...
The plan presented by EU foreign affairs representative Josep Borrell can't go well, the Kleine Zeitung criticises: How do you deal with ...
Compliance with human rights must be controlled, warns the Kleine Zeitung: If the EU is serious about this and its moral compass is still ...
The Kleine Zeitung detects a pattern familiar from other countries: Neither the pandemic nor Nato accession were the central issues in the ...
Only a harsh course will work with the British government, the Kleine Zeitung advises: The Commission is responding with carrots and ...
The Kleine Zeitung points out contradictions in Trump's appearance at the NRA: For the Republican figurehead Donald Trump, the solution ...