Hold-Up: France at odds over coronavirus film

The French film Hold-Up, which portrays the coronavirus crisis as a global conspiracy, has already been viewed over three million times online and has been recommended by celebrities like Carla Bruni and Juliette Binoche. Because the film leaves many statements that are critical of the government or simpy false uncommented, politicians and scientists are demanding that these segments be cut out and saying that the film fuels conspiracy theories.

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Libération (FR) /

A textbook example

Politicians are not entirely blameless when it comes to the success of films like Hold-Up, Libération complains:

“This is how the worst conspiracy theories are born: when doubts are nurtured and truths and falsehoods are combined to form a blend that sticks all the more, the more our government's strategy and proposals lack clarity and coherence. One example: instead of admitting in the first days of the pandemic that errors were made in stocking adequate supplies of masks, those in charge claimed masks were unnecessary. ... Was this aimed at bringing us to heel? To say that would be to give them too much credit. They simply didn't have the courage to admit they were wrong. ... This document is a textbook case of what politicians are all about. It shows how incoherent strategies and poor communication can be used against them and wreak havoc on public opinion.”

Le Point (FR) /

All the hype is undeserved

A film that is bad on so many levels shouldn't be taken seriously, Le Point writes:

“Everything is linked in a straight line: a confused demonstration in which turns or surprises are rare. In short, it's boring. ... Hold-Up comes at us with full force as if it were a serious documentary, even though it's clearly a blend of medical thriller and political fiction. ... This film deserves film criticism, not scientific discussion. ... The success of Hold-Up doesn't prove that people are gullible or idiots, it just proves that they have bad taste and need to learn more about what good films are like.”