Please don't touch: love in times of pandemic

The restrictions of social distancing are making it difficult for people to come into contact with one another. Especially those who have neither a partner nor family are feeling increasingly isolated. But the pandemic is also not without consequences for relationships between couples and friends. Commentators describe a world without physical contact caught between fatalism, longing and hope.

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Hürriyet (TR) /

Coronavirus is killing our libido

In uncertain times like these people's sex lives suffer, journalist Cengiz Semercioğlu explains in Hürriyet:

“These are anything but sexy times. People stay away from potential new sex partners. Most are more interested in information about the virus. ... Depression and anxiety have a direct negative impact on the libido. That is undisputed! Unemployment and economic difficulties can also kill sexual desire. There's no data on people's sex life during epidemics, but previous studies after natural disasters such as earthquakes show that in such exceptional times, people's sexual activity decreases significantly. ... I'm sorry to say it, but if you don't have a partner now you'd better get used to the idea of going through this period without one.” (ES) /

Longing for contact

Journalist Lourdes Lancho looks forward to the end of the social distancing measures in

“I can come to terms with having to roll up my sleeves and work harder. With fearing for my income, facing lean times, and starting again pretty much from scratch. ... What I can't handle is not being allowed to touch, hug, cuddle and kiss anyone I want to, whenever I want. ... What I look forward to most once the curfew ends is going out onto the street with others and hugging my neighbors, the cashiers at the supermarket, and everyone at work including those I don't like. ... Having skin-to-skin contact again, hearing hands slapping backs and kisses on cheeks and lips. Seeing others not as a threat but as a support.”