Covid: how serious is the latest wave?

Covid cases are spiking in several countries. Scientists are also worried about Centaurus, the new virus variant, as well as the fact that previous infections and vaccinations seem to be offering ever shorter protection against the virus. Commentators draw their conclusions.

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Visão (PT) /

Fourth vaccination for all, now

Visão lays out why it's high time to ramp up the anti-Covid measures again:

“Countries that are already being impacted by Centaurus are returning to basic restrictive measures like mask-wearing in all closed spaces, and Portugal will also be forced to take this indispensable measure. No matter how distracted or unfocused the health minister may be, she should start listening to our doctors, technicians and scientists once more. This sub-variant will come or is already here. This is why we need to accelerate the fourth round of vaccination, for everyone.”

Berlingske (DK) /

No false economising

With cases rising in Denmark Berlingske cannot understand why the authorities are waiting until September to roll out the fourth vaccine in old age and care homes.

“Let's hope it's not cost-cutting that is stopping the authorities from getting on with the fourth vaccination. That would be absurd after the billions that for better or for worse have already gone into fighting the pandemic. Absurd, too, in view of the relatively small sums of money which could prevent human suffering if the infections and illness spreads in the care homes.”