Has Athens scared away a Canadian company?

The Canadian comany Eldorado Gold has announced that it has put a stop to all work in the Greek Skouries goldmine, adding that it has had enough of the confrontations with Athens. Greece's media react in very different ways to the news.

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Altsantiri (GR) /

We don't need Eldorado Gold

The centre-left website Altsantiri isn't mourning the departure of Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold:

“Eldorado Gold is not just a company, it is the core of the problem. Because of it the country's first special economic zone was created in northern Greece. Now the company is giving the Greek government ultimatums and making threats like a gangster. A completely degenerate monster, but those who invest in the consolidation of colonial models and want to destroy democratic structures, the environment and people call it 'investment'. ... The government has not reason to give in to the threats. ... Or to be more precise, it has no right to.”

Naftemporiki (GR) /

Government chasing away all the investors

The Greek government is behaving in a foolhardy way, the conservative business paper Naftemporiki believes:

“Just when we thought that the matter had been settled and that the government was interested in attracting investment to create new jobs and allow the market to recover, we suffer this blow. At last it's clear that the government is doing everything it can to chase away those who until now had been the biggest investors. I have no way of knowing who took this decision. But what is certain is that it will harm our country and our economy. There could have been no better 'advertisement' for the unimaginable conditions investors are confronted with on the Greek market.”