Right-wing march on Polish Independence Day

Tens of thousands joined the "independence march" traditionally organised by various right-wing groups marking the 101st anniversary of the restoration of Poland's sovereignty in 1918. The national-conservative governing PiS did not join the march this year. Commentators voice concern about the country's future - for very different reasons.

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Krytyka Polityczna (PL) /

A new brand of fascism is endangering democracy

A new far-right movement is arising from the independence marches, Krytyka Polityczna fears:

“The PiS wants to shape the political scene in such a way that it itself is in the centre. To its left will be the PO and the Left Alliance. And to its right? To the right of the far-right Konfederacja an entity is gradually forming that accuses the latter of opportunism and betraying its ideals. If the old fascist tradition doesn't win out (that is, if no Duce is found on whom all can agree), we can expect the formation of a strictly fascist party modelled on CasaPound Italia - a melting pot that will be heated to boiling point in one of the next independence marches. Enjoy the last years of democracy!”

wPolityce.pl (PL) /

Independence in danger

For wPolityce.pl, the counterdemonstrations and the criticism of liberal media are an indication that patriots must defend independence against the enemy in their own country:

“The nation state is the structure in which democracy can best function and in which everyone has the chance to influence issues that affect them all. ... The fact that so many people loudly declared on Independence Day that they weren't interested in this should be an indication to all Poles who are concerned about the fate of their home country that they must defend independence again today, and that it cannot be taken for granted.”