Is Greece on the road to autocracy?

Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis has once again rejected calls for his resignation over the wiretapping scandal. He still refuses to explain the wiretapping, saying he knew nothing about it. Commentators also discuss the scandal also against the backdrop of next year's elections.

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Efimerida ton Syntakton (GR) /

The privat sphere no longer exists

Efimerida ton Syntakton is incensed by Mitsotakis' statement in parliament at the end of August:

“The man who governs the country avoided giving substantial and convincing answers to the opposition's most urgent questions, constantly resorting to lies, childish excuses and ridiculous explanations. ... But the worst thing is that in this way he is defending the surveillance regime that he himself created. ... He claimed that no Greek citizen, politician, journalist, businessman or employee is excluded from surveillance. In so doing he admitted that there is no such thing as a private sphere, because it must be under the supervision of state authorities who can infringe on it for any invented reason or pretext.”

Ta Nea (GR) /

Avoid turbulence at all costs

The last thing the country needs now is political instability, Ta Nea warns:

“This is all the more true in a period when the energy crisis and inflation have rocked Europe's geopolitical architecture to the core and pose an asymmetrical threat. This is a time that offers space to forces which seek to fuel a turbulent situation. Let's not ignore the example of neighbouring Italy - a country that is stronger than Greece - where the shocks resulting from the resignation of PM Mario Draghi have put pressure on the economy and government bonds and created a political climate in which the emergence of a far-right parliamentary majority could well face the country with new challenges.”

Spiegel Online (DE) /

Cradle of democracy on shaky foundations

Der Spiegel has harsh words for Mitsotakis:

“Greece sees itself as the cradle of democracy. In fact, however, Mitsotakis is increasingly resorting to the methods of an autocrat. He and his entourage have made lying an essential component of their politics. Der Spiegel and other media have fully documented Greece's illegal pushbacks. ... And yet to this day the Greek government brazenly denies that it carried out such pushbacks. In doing so it is destroying the foundations on which a democratic discourse can take place. ... It is first and foremost up to the Greeks to stop the authoritarian trend in their country. Elections will be held in Greece next year at the latest.”