How is the opposition in Hungary doing?

After the European Parliament's vote to open punitive proceedings against Hungary the Hungarian opposition staged a demonstration outside the parliament building in Budapest. Ex-prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány called for the protests to continue until the government is ousted. Journalists examine Gyurcsány's role and wonder why he hasn't been able to mobilise more supporters.

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Népszava (HU) /

Orbán's unsuccessful rival

Unfortunately Ferenc Gyurcsány is the only politician in Hungary capable of standing up to Viktor Orbán, the left-wing daily Népszava sighs:

“Capable, but nevertheless not effective, and therefore not dangerous for the dictator. Gyurcsány is completely in the picture politically, and he has a good grasp of the political situation in Hungary and in Europe. His ideas also bear the closest resemblance to what really needs to be done - and what can be accomplished. He's a brilliant rhetorician and he's shown that he's practically indestructible. Nevertheless he seems unable to expand his voter base. It's hard to say why.”

hvg (HU) /

In a pitiful state

The opposition in Hungary is in pitiful shape, leftist philosopher Gáspár Miklós Tamás writes in hvg:

“In view of the opposition's pathetic image, its uncivil behaviour and the clamour during the session in parliament, in view of the furore of the government's far-right terrorist media and the cheap ridicule on opposition websites, it has become clear that even the most pessimistic visions are like a comedian's banter in comparison with the political reality. And then to top it all the honourable member of parliament Ferenc Gyurcsány took to the stage with his parody of a resistance movement. ... At his sparsely attended, pointless event, Mr Gyurcsány distributed plastic buckets featuring a picture of the prime minister so that his followers could hit Mr Orbán's image with sticks.”