People in Kyiv shelter from missile attacks in the basement of a school on February 24. (© picture alliance/EPA/SERGEY DOLZHENKO)

  Russia's war against Ukraine

  276 Debates

Having already supplied ammunition and missiles, there are reports that North Korea is sending 12,000 soldiers to Russia to be deployed in the Kursk region against Ukraine. According to South Korean intelligence, 1,500 troops are already in Russia. Russia and North Korea signed a military mutual assistance pact last June, but the media see the Ukraine war taking on a whole new dimension with the deployment of the North Korean troops.

For three days Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been promoting his "victory plan" at various levels in the United States. The plan involves forcing Russia into submission with the help of massive military support from the West. Today he is due to discuss the concept with President Biden. The press expresses doubts – regarding the necessary US support and the feasibility of the plan.

Ukraine is urging the US and UK to allow it to use long-range missiles to attack military targets inside Russia. A meeting last week between US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer failed to produce a change of course on the issue. In the meantime, Vladimir Putin has warned that the use of Western long-range weapons would put his country "at war" with Nato. Europe's press discusses what is at stake.

In a major government reshuffle in Ukraine, around half of the cabinet has been replaced. The foreign minister is now Andrii Sybiha, who previously served as deputy to his predecessor Dmytro Kuleba. Europe's press observes - with both understanding and concern - a concentration of power in a country that has been defending itself against Russia for two and a half years.

The Ukrainian parliament has passed a law banning religious organisations from having links with Russia. They have been given nine months to put an end to such ties, failing which they will face a ban. The law first and foremost targets the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - not to be confused with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - which has been formally independent since 2022 but is considered to be affiliated with Moscow.

On the pretext that Ukraine has stationed up to 120,000 troops on the border to his country Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenka has now deployed his military in the Gomel region, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has reported. Kyiv has warned Minsk not to make a tragic mistake and succumb to pressure from Moscow, demanding that the Belarusian troops be pulled back beyond the firing range of their missiles.

Following the extensive attack on large areas of Ukraine by Russian missiles and drones, the Nato-Ukraine Council met on Wednesday. The Nato states pledged greater support for Kyiv but were still unable to agree on lifting the remaining restrictions on using Western weapons against Russia. Russia launched the attacks in response to Kyiv's offensive in Kursk and is also advancing further in the Donetsk region.

Ukraine claims to have advanced over 30 kilometres into the Russian Kursk region and destroyed or damaged three important bridges. According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, the goal of the offensive is to increase the pressure on Russia and to create a buffer zone. Europe's media ask whether the strategy is working.

In view of their proximity to Russia, the Baltic states are seeking to boost their defence capabilities. Estonia is investing in the modernisation of its armed forces, Latvia is expanding its military infrastructure and debating compulsory military service for women. while Lithuania wants to increase defence spending to more than three percent of its gross domestic product. Mixed reactions in the press.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian troops continue to advance into the Russian border region of Kursk and more Russian soldiers have been captured. Russian authorities have said that around 120,000 people have fled or been evacuated from the area. European commentators discuss reactions and potential consequences.

An article written by former British prime minister Boris Johnson has sparked debate in Ukraine. In the British tabloid the Daily Mail, Johnson outlined his vision for how Donald Trump could end the Russian war of aggression if he wins the election. According to the plan, Ukraine would be provided with sufficient military resources to restore the 2022 borders - but would have to give up the remaining territories. It would then be allowed to join Nato and the EU.

Shortly after his visit to Kyiv, Hungarian Prime Minister and current EU Council President Viktor Orbán has made a surprise visit to Moscow. After talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the war against Ukraine, he declared that Europe needs peace and that all sides must work towards this goal. Commentators are sceptical.

Hungarian Prime Minister and current EU Council President Viktor Orbán visited Ukraine for the first time in more than a decade this week. In a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky he proposed a quick ceasefire as a basis for peace negotiations, urging the Ukrainian leader to rethink his demand that Russian troops withdraw before talks can begin. Commentators see this as a calculated move.

After North Korea and Russia signed a military assistance treaty, South Korea is apparently considering supplying Ukraine with military equipment, the country's news agencies report. South Korea has so far stuck to a policy of not supplying weapons to war zones. Commentators see the news as an important development.

In the final declaration of the peace conference at the luxury Bürgenstock resort in Switzerland, the majority of participants declared their support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine: 84 out of 92 representatives present signed the declaration. Measures for the country's food and energy security were also outlined. A follow-up event, possibly in Saudi Arabia or Turkey, is still being negotiated.

The G7 states have announced plans to use the interest on frozen Russian Central Bank assets in Western countries (currently around 260 billion euros) to help Ukraine. This would allow Kyiv to take out a loan of 50 billion euros to finance weapons purchases, investments and reconstruction. Russia has warned that the move will further undermine the global financial system. Most voices in the press, however, take a positive view of the move.

How the strengthening of the right-wing camp in the EU Parliament will effect support for Ukraine is still unclear, as this is yet another issue on which the corresponding parties are divided. But Europe's commentators detect a trend.

Switzerland will host a Ukraine peace conference at the Bürgenstock Resort above Lake Lucerne in mid-June. Russia has not been invited, China has cancelled its participation for the time being, and Kyiv accusing Beijing and Moscow of putting pressure on other countries to prevent them from attending. Europe's press debates the opportunities and dangers of the summit and any future peace negotiations.

Moscow is short of cash. The Russian Ministry of Finance has now presented the main points of a planned tax reform. It includes an income tax hike for high earners, with the maximum rate going up from 15 to 22 percent, and an increase in corporate tax rate from 20 to 25 percent. There will also be no more exemptions for VAT. Is the reform the "adjustment for fairness" it claims to be?

A growing number of Nato states are granting Ukraine more freedom in how it deploys Western weapons. Deliveries from Poland, Canada and Finland are no longer subject to conditions, and last week the US lifted its ban on the use of US weapons to attack targets on Russian territory, albeit only for the region around Kharkiv. Germany then followed suit. How will this affect the course of the war?

After months of wrangling, the US House of Representatives has passed a 61-billion dollar aid package for Ukraine. A large proportion of Republicans also voted in favour. Around nine billion dollars will be granted as a loan and 23 billion will be used by the US to replenish it own military stockpiles. The US Senate is due to vote on the package today. Europe's press examines the implications of the decision.

Following the internationally coordinated and effective air defence against the Iranian attack on Israel, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for the West to show similar resolve in protecting Ukrainian airspace against Russian attacks, arguing that the example of Israel shows that Nato membership is not necessary for a country to be defended in this way. Europe's press compares the situations of the two countries.

The EU's General Court in Luxembourg has lifted the sanctions imposed on the Russian oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven between February 2022 and March 2023. It explained the decision saying that the EU Council had failed to provide sufficient evidence for the two main shareholders of Alfa-Bank to be included in the sanctions list at the time. This ruling does not, however, affect subsequent sanctions decisions.

Switzerland has announced a Ukraine peace conference for 15 June. The government in Bern said that there was sufficient international support for a high-level meeting to initiate the peace process, in response to a corresponding request by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Russia has already announced that it will not be attending. What can the initiative achieve?

After nine months of hesitating over the issue, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has agreed to lower the draft age for calling up reservists from 27 to 25. This will allow the army to enlist up to 400,000 new recruits for service on the front. Previously, younger men could only be deployed as conscripts away from the front. The reactions in the press are mixed.

The EU leaders have decided to go ahead and use profits from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine. Prior to the decision, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had repeatedly called for the assets to be confiscated but failed to gain majority support. Commentators are happy that Europe has recognised the seriousness of the situation, but for some it is still too sluggish in its actions.

The film 20 Days in Mariupol has won an Oscar for best documentary at this year's Academy Awards ceremony on Sunday. Directed by Mstyslav Chernov and produced by Michelle Mizner and Raney Aronson-Rath, the film recounts the highly dangerous work of an AP news agency team that remained in the city during the Russian siege and invasion in early 2022 and documented the suffering of the civilian population. Ukrainian media are deeply moved.

Berlin has been hit by a wiretapping scandal which has sparked major controversy over the last few days: Russian media published a 38-minute recording of a briefing on Friday in which senior Bundeswehr officers discussed the possibility of German Taurus cruise missiles being used by Ukraine. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly rejected the idea of Taurus deliveries to the country.

The controversy over statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron last week continues. At a press conference after a Paris meeting of EU leaders aimed at boosting European support for Ukraine he had said that while there was no consensus about sending troops to Ukraine, given the dynamic unfolding, nothing could be ruled out. EU leaders were quick to reject the idea.

"We remain committed to fully implementing and enforcing our sanctions on Russia and adopting new measures as necessary," the G7 said on a visit to Kyiv to show their support on the second anniversary of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Commentators have yet to be convinced.

At least 10,000 dead Ukrainian civilians, 6.5 million refugees and 3.7 million displaced persons within Ukraine, according to the UN. These are the tragic statistics of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. On top of that, estimates put the number of soldiers killed in action in the hundreds of thousands; Zelensky recently spoke of 31,000. What should the next steps be in the war? Europe's press weighs up the current situation and looks to the future.

After much speculation, it is now official: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has dismissed General Valery Zaluzny as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The former ground forces commander Oleksandr Syrsky has been appointed as his successor. The European press has very different ideas about what to expect from this change.

The decision was awaited with bated breath, but now the EU's 50-billion-euro aid package for Ukraine for the period up to and including 2027 has been agreed. Hungary gave up its resistance after intensive negotiations in which it was reportedly agreed that the financial aid would be reviewed every two years, although any changes would require a unanimous decision. Commentators are only partially relieved.

According to media reports, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has attempted to dismiss Valerii Zaluzhnyi as commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Several newspapers reported that Zelensky had offered the general the post of defence minister instead, but Zaluzhnyi refused. The Ministry of Defence and the Presidential Office have denied the allegations. Zaluzhnyi had warned of a deadlock on the front in November. The press takes a closer look.

In October, the German government rejected a request by Kyiv submitted in May 2023 to supply it with Taurus cruise missiles on the grounds that the missiles' range was too long. But according to German newspaper Handelsblatt, Olaf Scholz is now considering an offer from the UK which has been on the table for several weeks: Germany could supply Taurus missiles to Nato partners who would then export similar weapons systems to Ukraine in exchange. A good idea?

A Russian military transport plane has apparently been shot down in the Belgorod region near the Ukrainian border. According to Russia, in addition to the crew and three guards, 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war were also on board, en route to a prisoner exchange. The Ukrainian military intelligence, however, says it has no reliable information about the identity of the passengers.

With reference to Sweden's planned accession to Nato and the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, Swedish Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén and Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin have called on the Swedes to prepare for a potential war. Practical action must be taken, Bohlin stressed at the Annual National Defence Conference. Commentators share their concern.

During Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Washington, US President Joe Biden expressed doubts regarding the financial aid blocked by the Republicans. In addition, he said the US would give Ukraine military support "as long as we can" rather than "for as long as necessary", which had been the stance up to now. In view of the deadlocked war situation, more voices in Europe's press are also casting about for new strategies for Kyiv and its partners.

The US Senate has blocked President Joe Biden's request for a financial aid package of more than 110 billion dollars (almost 102 billion euros) for Ukraine and Israel. All Republicans as well as the independent democratic-socialist Bernie Sanders, who had expressed concerns about Israel's actions in Gaza, voted against the corresponding bill. With further EU aid for Kyiv also hanging in the balance, Europe's press examines the options for Ukraine.

Month after month, Ukrainian society has impressed observers with its seemingly unbreakable unity in the fight against the Russian invaders. But now political tensions are starting to emerge. Kyiv's mayor Vitali Klitschko has criticised President Volodymyr Zelensky in unusually harsh terms. Soldiers' wives are protesting and demanding that their husbands be allowed to take a break from the fighting on the front. And doubts about Zelensky's course are also being voiced outside Ukraine.

Now that Ukraine's counter-offensive has stalled, the country is also facing problems away from the front. The US Congress has refused to authorise further financial aid and Hungary doesn't want to discuss further EU assistance for Ukraine at the summit in December, as planned. Aid that has already been agreed on has yet to be delivered, and ammunition supplies are delayed. Europe's press takes stock.

In St. Petersburg, artist and pacifist Aleksandra "Sasha" Skochilenko has been sentenced to seven years in prison for "knowingly spreading false information about the Russian military" and its deployment in Ukraine. She has already been in custody for one and a half years. Her "offence" consisted of replacing five price tags in a supermarket with pieces of paper bearing anti-war messages.

Slovakia's new government under Robert Fico has announced it will no longer provide Ukraine with state military aid. Fico is thus making good on one of his campaign promises. Commercial enterprises will not be banned from providing support, however. Slovak press commentators see the decision as a mistake.

Just last week, EU leaders promised continued deliveries of weapons, ammunition, power generators and mobile heating stations to Ukraine. However Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says his country may veto a proposed financial package worth 50 billion. Slovakia's new Prime Minister Roberto Fico has also criticised the package. Are Orbán and Fico joining forces against Kyiv?

The EU's foreign ministers convened in Kyiv on Monday after travelling there together by night train - for the first time outside EU borders. Foreign Affairs Commissioner Josep Borrell spoke of a "historic meeting" that demonstrated solidarity and support for Ukraine. Commentators discuss what it will actually mean for Ukraine and the cohesion of the West.

The G20 summit in New Delhi has ended with a hard-won compromise. The leaders emphasised that the territorial integrity of states must be respected, but without explicitly condemning Russia's war against Ukraine. With the accession of the African Union (AU), the Global South gained more clout. Commentators discuss whether the global balance of power is changing fundamentally.

Several days after Ukraine alleged that Russian drones landed on Romanian territory, Romania has admitted that parts of what is possibly a Russian drone may have fallen within the Nato country's borders. Defence Minister Angel Tilvar confirmed that suspicious debris had been found in the border region with Ukraine. The army will investigate the findings, he said. Commentators discuss the dangers and potential reactions.

Talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on reviving the deal on exports of Ukrainian grain have failed. The West must first lift its sanctions on Russian agricultural exports, Putin said after the meeting in Sochi. Commentators assess the remaining options.

For a long time, the Ukrainian counter-offensive launched on 4 June didn't seem to be making much progress. Now the Ukrainian forces say they have broken through the first of two Russian lines of defence near Zaporizhzhia - just a few days after reporting the recapture of the nearby village of Robotyne. Is this a major turning point in the war? Commentators are divided.

Several Russian locations have been attacked by drones in recent days. A drone strike which destroyed parts of a military air base in Russia's Pskov region is making big headlines. The base is located around 700 kilometers from Ukraine, but less than 50 kilometers from Estonia. According to the Russian news agency Tass, four II-76 military transport aircraft were damaged. What are the implications of such attacks?

Time and again, Kyiv has stressed its determination to retake Crimea, which has been occupied by Russia since 2014, by military means. But now President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he believes a political solution is feasible. Once the Ukrainians are on the administrative border with Crimea it would be possible "to push through the demilitarisation of Russia on the territory of Ukrainian Crimea," he said on Sunday. Commentators discuss the initiative.

Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day today, Thursday. On 24 August 1991, the country formally gained independence from the Soviet Union. Commentators see the day as an occasion to reflect on the present and future of this state under attack by Russia.

Denmark and the Netherlands plan to deliver F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has announced the delivery of 19 aircraft in total by the end of 2026, including six this year, while Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has said deliveries will take place as soon as possible without naming concrete figures. What does Ukraine stand to gain from the pledges?

The counter-offensive launched by Ukraine on June 4 in its defensive war against Russia seems to be faltering, with the country failing to make significant territorial gains so far. European countries are discussing further weapons deliveries, including the German Taurus cruise missiles with a range of more than 500 kilometres that Kyiv has requested. A sense of impatience predominates in the commentaries.

Representatives of around 40 states have discussed peace scenarios for Ukraine in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In addition to Ukraine, several Western states and China, key countries of the Global South that have not yet imposed sanctions against Russia also took part. Moscow was not invited. Europe's press sees potential.

An office tower in Moscow has been hit twice by drones in three days - contradicting the official Kremlin line that all approaching missiles have been shot down. The Russian Defence Ministry has blamed Ukraine for the attack. President Zelensky has said that the war's gradual return to Russia is "inevitable, natural and absolutely fair".

Sport in the shadow of war: the Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan refused to shake hands with her Russian adversary Anna Smirnova, who was competing as a neutral athlete at the Fencing World Championships in Milan - and was disqualified. Later the fencing federation FIE backpedalled. Kharlan was readmitted to the team competition - and the handshake is no longer obligatory.

Since Russia suspended the grain agreement the Ukrainian port city of Odessa has been massively targeted by Russian missile and drone strikes. Civilian buildings in the old town, which is a protected Unesco World Heritage Site, have also been hit, and the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral has been severely damaged. What do these attacks mean for the course of the war?

The Kerch Bridge has been attacked again - this time apparently with surface drones. While the railway line to Crimea remains intact, traffic on the motorway has been severely limited. A couple from Belgorod who were on holiday were killed in their car as a result. Commentators discuss the goal of the attack - and why there were civilian victims.

Britain's Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has come under fire after suggesting at the Nato summit in Vilnius that the Ukrainians should show more gratitude and not treat their allies as if they were an Amazon warehouse. Voices in Ukrainian media are at odds over the extent to which the allies are morally and politically obliged to provide massive aid to Kyiv.

The US has ceded to pressure from Kyiv and agreed to supply Ukraine with cluster bombs as part of an 800 million-dollar (roughly 730 million-euro) military aid package. Cluster munitions are controversial because of their high dud rate and are prohibited by more than 100 states. Washington has countered that the danger to civilians in the event of a new Russian advance is greater. Commentators weigh the pros and cons.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has warned of the danger of a Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station and says that Russian forces have mined the plant's cooling pond. President Zelensky said on Tuesday that objects resembling explosives had been placed on the roofs. Meanwhile Moscow claims that Ukraine is planning an attack on the plant. Commentators are divided on how dangerous the situation really is.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to use frozen Russian assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine, as envisaged in 2022. A plan on how Russia can be held financially accountable in this way will be presented before the summer break, she announced on Wednesday. Commentators discuss whether the measure is sensible and fair.

While Ukraine is reporting territorial gains in the south, Russia continues to attack Ukrainian targets and negotiations seem a long way off. Previous peace proposals, for example from China, have met with little response - also because they envisage ceding territory to Russia, which Ukraine rejects. Now signals from Moscow indicate an increased interest in negotiations. Commentators discuss the stakes.

Ukraine's long-awaited offensive in its defensive war against Russia has begun. Kyiv has confirmed military operations and the recapture of several localities in the Donetsk region while Moscow has reported the destruction of several tanks supplied by the West. Commentators assess the situation as it unfolds.

The destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on the Dnieper River has led to the flooding of vast areas of land in Ukraine and deprived thousands of people of their livelihoods. Many have sought refuge on rooftops and are waiting to be evacuated. There is also growing concern about the colossal impact on the environment, drinking water supplies, agriculture and the cooling water for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. The quest for the truth about who did this and their motives continues.

Fighting continues in the Russian region of Belgorod, where Russian opposition paramilitary groups are combating the Russian army. The rebel groups have reportedly taken control of the locality of Novaya Tavolzhanka. The regional governor has called for people to leave towns near the border. Commentators discuss the significance of these battles in Russia.

Several residential buildings in Moscow were damaged by drone attacks on Tuesday, although no one was injured. Russian President Putin accused Ukraine and spoke of an act of terrorism. Ukraine, however, has denied direct involvement. Commentators discuss the consequences.

Early on Monday morning, a group of armed insurgents crossed the border from Ukraine, advanced several kilometres into the Russian border region of Belgorod and set up camp there. Who were they? Anti-Putin Russian para-military groups have claimed responsibility for the attacks, and Kyiv has denied any involvement. The Kremlin claims it repelled the advance, which was followed on Wednesday by drone attacks.

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin reported on the weekend that Russia has completely taken Bakhmut, which has been the object of fierce fighting for nine months. But the situation remains unclear, as Ukraine disputes his account and on Monday again reported ongoing fighting on the front lines. For commentators, these contradictory statements provide an opportunity to contextualise the intense battle over the city in Donbass.

Chinese special envoy Li Hui has spent two days in Kyiv exploring the possibilities for a negotiated peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. European commentators debate the chances of success and China's motives.

President Vladimir Putin justified Russia's attack on Ukraine in his speech on 9 May, the day marking the Soviet Union's victory over Hitler's Germany in 1945. A war is being waged against his country, he declared to thousands of soldiers and veterans gathered on Moscow's Red Square. Commentators pick apart Putin's appearance and this year's much smaller parade.

In a video posted on Friday, Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin threatened to withdraw from Bakhmut and used strong language against Russia's military leadership, which he accused of sending too little equipment and ammunition. Today, Monday, the power struggle seems to have been settled and a withdrawal is off the table. Commentators examine the sinister Wagner boss's motives.

The background to the shooting down of two drones over the Kremlin, confirmed by the Russian president's office, remains a mystery. Moscow claims the drones were sent to kill Vladimir Putin and says Ukraine and the US responsible. Kyiv and Washington reject the accusations. Europe's press puzzles over potential motives and urges caution.

The presidents of China and Ukraine, Xi Jinping and Volodymyr Zelensky, spoke on the phone for approximately an hour on Wednesday. It was the first direct contact between the two leaders since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Beijing issued a renewed warning about nuclear escalation and announced plans to send special envoys for Eurasian affairs to Kyiv. Europe's press offers various interpretations of the signals.

Signs that Ukraine is prepared for a major offensive in its defensive war against Russia are growing. According to Nato Secretary General Stoltenberg, 98 percent of the pledged Western weapons have arrived in the war zone, putting Ukraine "in a strong position to recapture occupied territory". Commentators discuss when the counteroffensive will start and what chances it would have.

The Russian State Duma has unanimously passed amendments that will facilitate the recruitment of new soldiers. Under the new legislation, electronic summonses will be possible and men eligible for conscription will be registered in central data bases. What impact will this have in the country?

The publication of secret US documents has caused a stir in Washington. The US Department of Defense said that the fact that documents containing information about US support for Ukraine and actions on the front line have been circulating online for several days poses a significant threat to the country's national security. Europe's press also sees significant fallout.

Following Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement that tactical nuclear weapons are to be stationed in Belarus, fears that the war against Ukraine may escalate are growing. Putin pointed out that the US has also stationed nuclear weapons in allied countries in Europe. Europe's press speculates on the strategy behind this move.

The EU member states have pledged to supply Ukraine with a million rounds of artillery shells in the next twelve months. EU foreign ministers agreed on a budget of two billion euros to be used for reimbursing member states that supply the ammunition as well as for joint procurement at cheaper rates. Europe's press comments.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. They have been charged with committing war crimes with the policy of forcibly relocating children from occupied areas of Ukraine to Russia. Europe's press looks at the consequences.

China's President Xi is due to travel to Moscow next week to meet directly with Ukrainian President Zelensky, media have reported citing unnamed sources. However, neither China nor Russia have confirmed this yet. Commentators assess the prospects of Chinese mediation being successful under the current circumstances.

Traditionally neutral Switzerland will continue its policy of not supplying weapons to Ukraine. On 8 March, the National Council voted by a narrow majority to allow arms deliveries - but only if the UN Security Council condemns the invasion of Ukraine, which remains effectively impossible due to Russia's veto. Requests by other countries, including Spain and Denmark, for permission to deliver Swiss arms to Ukraine were rejected accordingly. The national press voices its displeasure.

An unverified video has been circulating on the internet which shows a Ukrainian prisoner of war being shot by presumably Russian soldiers. According to the Ukrainian army, the man was a Ukrainian soldier who had last fought near Bakhmut and had been missing since 3 February.

While Ukrainian and Russian forces are engaged in a fierce battle for the town of Bakhmut, the head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has threatened to withdraw his mercenaries from the region due to ammunition delivery failures. Commentators wonder what consequences an internal power struggle among Russia's top military personnel could have.

On the first anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Beijing presented a 12-point plan aimed at resolving the conflict. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the demand to preserve the "sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries", although Kyiv remains sceptical about other points. French President Macron has praised the initiative and announced a trip to China. Europe's press is divided.

While demonstrations for solidarity with Ukraine were taking place in cities across Europe over the weekend, around 13,000 people gathered at a rally in Berlin to demand immediate negotiations and an end to the arms deliveries to Kyiv. Women's rights activist Alice Schwarzer and left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht called for an "Uprising for Peace".

Russia's war has led to major shifts in Europe. Dependence on Russian energy sources has been reduced and sanctions have drastically reduced economic ties with Russia. The issues of security and defence have moved sharply into focus - displacing climate protection and trade. The countries that are setting the tone have also changed.

One year after Russia engulfed the whole of Ukraine in war there is no sign of the fighting coming to an end. On the contrary, observers fear that after months of Ukraine successfully defending itself, a new major Russian offensive is on the way. Europe's press discusses what needs to be done to move closer to a desirable outcome.

In his state of the nation address on Tuesday, Vladimir Putin once again blamed the West for the ongoing war in Ukraine. He said that because the West has systematically undermined Russia's peace efforts the offensive in Ukraine will continue, and that defeating Russia either militarily or economically would be impossible.

Just days before the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden met with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and pledged his continuing support and further arms deliveries. He then travelled, as announced, to Warsaw. Europe's press discusses what signals have been sent.

After announcing a Chinese peace initiative for Ukraine in Munich, the country's top diplomat Wang Yi has travelled to Moscow to present the plan there. It is due to be officially revealed in detail on 24 February, one year after the Russian invasion began. The Russian foreign ministry has said it appreciated China's efforts. Ukraine said that its own peace plan had priority, but that it was open to ideas. The press focuses on Beijing's motives.

As the three-day Munich Security Conference came to an end on Sunday, high-ranking politicians reaffirmed their will to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia's war of aggression. Aside from the unity of the West, however, European commentators also see diverging positions and many uncertainties.

February 24 will mark the first anniversary of Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine. An end is not in sight: Russia continues to bomb Ukrainian positions, civilians and infrastructure, while Kyiv is defending itself with the help of Western arms supplies. More than 7,000 civilians have died in the conflict so far, according to UN figures. Commentators take stock and discuss the long-term perspectives.

After meetings in London and Paris, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the EU Parliament in Brussels on Thursday. Ukraine needs more arms and in particular fighter jets from the West to defend democracy in Ukraine and all Europe, he said. Europe's press is divided on the issue.

It will soon be one full year since the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine began. In Europe's press, many journalists and analysts are already looking back at how this war has changed Europe and the world. Today's debate focuses on how the position of individual states within the various power structures and alliances has shifted - and why.

Not only Russian soldiers but also mercenaries from the Wagner Group founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin are fighting in the war against Ukraine. Partly recruited from prisons, these soldiers have a reputation for being particularly brutal. Commentators voice concern about the increasing use of private armies.

A heated debate has erupted over whether Europe is moving towards direct participation in the Ukraine war after several Western countries took the decision to supply battle tanks to Ukraine. While the Kremlin has declared that the West is increasingly acting like a warring party, Berlin and Paris have denied that the arms deliveries mean they are participating in the war. Commentators give their own assessments.

In the wake of Berlin's decision to allow deliveries of Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, a large alliance is emerging to equip the country with battle tanks and similar vehicles. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has now said that in Moscow these and other arms deliveries are viewed as "direct participation in the conflict". Europe's press examines the potential consequences.

Germany continues to hold back on giving its consent for deliveries of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Many allies that are in favour of the deliveries had expected a decision in Ramstein last Friday. Poland is now considering acting on its own, an initiative German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has said Germany would not seek to block. Europe's press assesses the situation.

Officially, Bulgaria refused to deliver arms to Ukraine for months. But according to a report in the German daily Die Welt, the country’s former government under Prime Minister Kiril Petkov secretly supplied Ukraine with diesel and ammunition via intermediaries starting last spring. The Bulgarian press is divided over how much praise the country deserves for this.

The Ukraine Defense Contact Group is convening today, Friday, at the US air base in Ramstein, Germany. The main question for Europe's press remains whether an alliance for the delivery of battle tanks to the Ukrainian armed forces will emerge. All eyes are on Germany in particular.

At least 30 people have been killed in a Russian missile attack on a residential building in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro near Zaporizhzhia. Rescue workers are still searching for victims under the rubble, but the chances of finding any survivors at this stage are minimal, the city's mayor has said.

Vladimir Putin has once again changed the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in Ukraine: the Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov will replace General Sergei Surovikin, who was only appointed in October. Commentators see the comeback of the old guard in the Kremlin and fear a new major offensive in Ukraine.

Britain has decided to provide Challenger 2 battle tanks to Ukraine. Finland, Lithuania, Poland and Spain have announced they want to send German Leopard battle tanks, and Sweden is also considering doing so. So the pressure on Germany to give its stamp of approval for such deliveries and join the alliance is growing. Europe's press remains focussed on the question of whether Ukraine will receive full support.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a 36-hour ceasefire in Ukraine to mark the Orthodox Christmas. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, however, has refused to give the order for his troops to stop firing, saying that the Russians just want to use Christmas as a pretext to stop the Ukrainian advance in Donbass. The press is also suspicious.

The Kremlin has raised the number of Russian soldiers it says were killed in a Ukrainian military strike on New Year's Eve to 89. Pro-Kremlin bloggers and MPs have sharply criticised Russia's military leadership over the attack. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian side is busy clearing up the damage wreaked by the most recent spate of missile and drone attacks. Europe's press examines the long-term outlook for the war.

Russia's war against Ukraine and the West's subsequent sanctions against Russian companies, goods and individuals, along with mobilisation and ever-widening restrictions on the media and NGOs, are taking their toll on the Russian economy. And the people are feeling the pinch, commentators write.

In a speech to the US Congress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the US for its help so far, saying he hoped Congress would continue to provide Ukraine with bipartisan support; as of January the Republicans will have a majority in the House of Representatives. Europe's press takes stock of Zelensky's first trip abroad since the Russian invasion of his country in February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenka in Minsk. At the same time, Russian and Belarusian forces took part in joint military manoeuvres. While the Russian news agency Tass described the meeting as fruitful, commentators point to divergences between the allied despots.

The US is apparently planning to deliver Patriot air defence systems to Ukraine. A decision to this effect could be made public this week, US officials have informed Reuters. So far Kyiv's allies had been reluctant to make such deliveries, and Poland's plan to pass on German Patriot systems to Ukraine had been blocked by Berlin. Europe's press discusses the potential impact of these deliveries.

Mysterious explosions at Russia's Engels-2 and Dyagilevo military airbases on Monday: two bomber aircraft were damaged by drone attacks at the Engels airbase and one at the Dyagilevo, where three people were also killed. The two bases are well beyond the range of the drones Ukraine is officially known to have, but Russia is still blaming Ukraine. Europe's commentators also see this as likely.

With the onset of winter and Russia's strategy of attacking Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, the war of aggression against Ukraine has entered a new phase. Looking beyond the daily news, commentators in Europe's press reflect on the latest developments and the overall outlook.

French President Emmanuel Macron has once again caused controversy with comments on Russia's war against Ukraine. In an interview with the French TV station TF1 on Saturday, he said, among other things, that Russia still fears that Nato could come right up to its doors, and that the West should consider how to address Moscow's need for security guarantees. Commentators are unenthusiastic.

Nine months after the start of Russia's fullscale war against Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has praised the country's spirit of resistance in his daily video message. Even Russia's attacks on the country's energy infrastructure will "not break" Ukraine's will, he said. Europe's press analyses the situation as winter sets in.

After the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kherson and continued shelling of vital infrastructure in Ukraine, Western media are speculating on whether the winter weather will pave the way for negotiations. Kyiv has rejected the idea of a pause in fighting, but the European press won't let go of the topic.

After the missile strike in Przewodów, near Poland's border with Ukraine, efforts to clarify the incident and de-escalate the situation are growing. The US, Poland and Nato have all declared that the Russian-made projectile was likely fired by a defensive missile system in Ukraine. There is no indication of a deliberate attack, Poland's President Andrzej Duda stated. The press remains concerned.

For the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, the heads of the US and Russian foreign intelligence services, Bill Burns and Sergei Naryshkin, have met in Ankara to exchange views on how to prevent a nuclear war. Commentators speculate on what else was said at the meeting.

After eight months of occupation, Russia has withdrawn its troops from the regional capital Kherson to the opposite bank of the Dnipro River. The Ukrainian military took control of the city on the weekend. Now the Ukrainian forces have the task of defusing mines and getting the electricity and water supplies back up and running. Europe's press examines how Kyiv's recapture of the city will affect the course of the war.

The agreement on grain exports from Ukraine via the Black Sea is back in force. Russia unilaterally suspended its participation on 30 October on the grounds that Ukrainian drones had attacked the Black Sea Fleet. Moscow has explained that after mediation by Turkey, Ukraine has agreed to use the humanitarian corridor and the ports only for food exports.

During a major air strike on Ukraine on Monday, parts of a Russian missile crashed into a village near the border in the north of the Republic of Moldova after being shot down by Ukrainian air defences. Romanian commentators note with concern that the small country could hardly hold its own in an emergency.

Russia has suspended the agreement for exports of Ukrainian grain negotiated in July. Moscow cited alleged Ukrainian drone attacks on the Black Sea fleet as the reason for the decision. A number of cargo ships are said to be heading towards Istanbul via the protected corridor without any certainty that Russia will let them pass. What should the next move be?

In a speech that went on for almost four hours at the Moscow-based Valdai Discussion Club on Thursday, Vladimir Putin, like Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu before him, accused Ukraine of planning to build a 'dirty bomb'. Russia itself would only use nuclear weapons to defend itself, the Kremlin leader affirmed, declaring his willingness to negotiate. Europe's press laments the verbal escalation.

Russia's repeated allegations that Ukraine is planning to use biological weapons or "dirty bombs" that spread radioactive material are becoming increasingly implausible. Photos of plastic bags containing radioactive materials which were presented as proof of Ukraine's intentions have been exposed by the Slovenian foreign ministry as originating from Slovenia. Nevertheless, the situation remains precarious according to commentators.

Politicians and experts from the EU and G7 countries have convened in Berlin to discuss the options and requirements for the reconstruction of Ukraine. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for a "Marshall Plan of the 21st century" which he said should be put in place before the war ends. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the bloc could compensate for about one third of Ukraine's expected budget deficit. What comes next?

Although Moscow still officially calls Russia's war against Ukraine a "special operation", Putin has now imposed martial law in the four illegally annexed Ukrainian regions, allowing commanders there to massively restrict civic freedoms. At the same time the Russian military is calling on the civilian population in Kherson to flee. Commentators examine the implications.

The Russian military is increasingly deploying "kamikaze" drones in its attacks on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. These unmanned aircraft equipped with missiles are purportedly being supplied by Iran, although Tehran denies this. Europe's press discusses how their use could affect the course of the war.

Three important summits attended by leaders from Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Vladimir Putin, are currently taking place in the Kazakh capital Astana. Observers comment on the Kremlin boss's growing isolation and ask whether he shouldn't finally be removed from office.

Two days after the explosion on the Crimean Bridge on 8 October, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka announced his intention to form a joint regional military task force with Russia, which would be stationed in Belarus. He cited Ukraine's alleged plans for an attack as the reason for the move. This has renewed fears in Europe's press that Belarus could join Russia in its war against Ukraine.

Since Monday, Russia has been firing missiles at Ukrainian energy, military and communications infrastructure as well as civilian targets across the country, including central Kyiv. Moscow justified the strikes describing them as retaliation for "terrorist attacks" on Russian territory, and blamed Ukraine for Saturday's explosion on the Crimea Bridge. Europe's press sees a new escalation with devastating consequences for the civilian population.

Is Russia really willing to use nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine? This is the question preoccupying Europe and the world, particularly after video footage showing a convoy of the Russian army's nuclear weapons division on its way to Ukraine began circulating on social media. According to experts, the convoy could just be delivering supplies. Commentators' assessments regarding the seriousness of the situation diverge.

After the sham referendums in four Ukrainian territories occupied by Russian troops, Putin is due to sign the corresponding accession treaties this Friday. Formal accession of the four regions to the Russian Federation is to follow a few days later. For Europe's press the annexation contravenes international law and marks the beginning of a new, ominous phase in the war.

In hastily arranged polls controlled by the Russian military in four Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories, between 87 and 99 percent of participants reportedly voted to join Russia. According to Moscow's logic, once these regions have been annexed the Ukrainian army would be deemed an aggressor on Russian territory that can be fought with all means, including nuclear weapons.

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is now taking its toll on its own population. Following Putin's mobilisation, the authorities are not being picky and are recruiting men en masse without regard for their age, health or previous military experience. Now that Russia is on the defensive militarily, the people's unease is growing. Commentators discuss how dangerous this could be for Putin.

The successful counter-offensive around Kharkiv could represent a turning point in the Ukraine war. While Zelensky has announced new advances aimed at recapturing occupied territories, Putin has signalled willingness to negotiate. With his army failing, the Kremlin boss is coming under growing pressure.

Alla Pugacheva, a pop star and icon in Russia since the 1970s, has released a statement requesting that she be classified as a "foreign agent" in solidarity with her husband, comedian Maxim Galkin, who has been put on Russia's list of foreign agents. Her husband is an honest patriot who wishes his country "freedom of expression and an end to our boys dying for illusory aims which are turning our country into a pariah state", she said.

In the last few days the Ukrainian army has recaptured large areas in the Kharkiv region. Russia hastily withdrew from the region but retaliated with missile attacks on civilian power plants in Ukraine. Commentators examine the reasons for Ukraine's success and the potential consequences for Kyiv, the West, and also for Moscow.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has sounded the alarm. The situation at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is controlled by the Russian military, is "untenable", according to the report put out by the Agency after a visit to the facility. Commentators examine why the report fails to accuse Russia of war crimes and see the IAEA in a difficult position.

In future it will take longer and be more difficult and more expensive for Russian citizens to obtain a Schengen visa. The EU foreign ministers agreed to suspend the 2007 visa facilitation agreement, meaning that a complete halt to the issuing of tourist visas is off the table for the time being. Commentators criticise the compromise solution.

A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hopes to contain one of the worst crises triggered by the Ukraine War and is on its way to investigate the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. The plant is on the front line of the war, occupied by Russian troops and coming under fire.

Seven states on the EU's eastern flank are calling on the other EU member states to suspend the issuing of Schengen visas to Russian tourists. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has made similar demands. The EU foreign ministers will meet on Tuesday to discuss the proposal. Europe's press is divided.

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is the largest in Europe, is on the front line in the Ukraine war and is currently occupied by Russian troops. Last week the plant was completely disconnected from the Ukrainian grid for one day and operated only on an emergency power supply. An IAEA inspection team is now on its way to the site. What is going on, and how great is the risk of an accident?

In the sixth month of its war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia has not abandoned any of its objectives. After the initial shock and the subsequent sanctions and promises of solidarity, the EU seems to be battening down for a protracted war. Commentators look at the impact of the war on Europe's societies.

A crisis meeting in Lviv, Ukraine, attended by UN chief António Guterres, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ended on Thursday with an urgent appeal to halt military operations around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Erdoğan warned of a nuclear disaster and announced further efforts to resolve the conflict. Commentators remain sceptical.

The exact cause of the latest explosions in Crimea, which Russia has occupied since 2014, has yet to be identified. Russia says "sabotage" was behind the blasts and has announced it will investigate evidence of a drone attack on the arms depot. Commentators speculate on what action Russian President Vladimir Putin will take.

An explosion in the pro-Russian separatist area near Donetsk has left more than than 50 Ukrainian prisoners of war from the Azov regiment dead and over 70 injured. Ukraine and Russia are blaming each other for the attack on the prison camp. An independent investigation into what happened has not been possible so far. Commentators see Moscow as the culprit.

After Finland lifted Covid travel restrictions for non-EU citizens, Russian holidaymakers are also among those travelling to the country. And now that the value of the rouble has risen against the euro, cross-border shopping sprees are also popular once more. A number of Finnish parties are calling for a suspension of tourist visas for Russians. The nation's press is divided.

Representatives from Russia and Ukraine met Friday with UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Istanbul to reach an agreement on how to export the grain supplies that are trapped in Ukrainian ports. On Saturday Russian rockets were fired on Odessa. According to Russia they were targeting military infrastructure, but according to Kyiv they hit civilian port facilities. Commentators are dismayed.

In Russia an apparatus of repression and propaganda has been established which is silencing the opposition - primarily to the war in Ukraine - and making the population submissive and disinterested. Now tougher laws on media control and 'foreign agents' have been introduced. What does this mean for dissent?

The Ukrainian president has suspended his secret service chief and childhood friend Ivan Bakanov as well as Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, citing dozens of cases of suspected collaboration with Russia by officials in their agencies. Europe's press speculates about what is going on behind the scenes.

Pope Francis has said he is praying for new negotiations on a ceasefire in Ukraine. He is not alone. As the battle lines harden on the ground, calls for Ukraine to seek a negotiated solution with Russia as soon as possible are again growing louder in the West in view of looming energy shortages and a global hunger crisis.

On Wednesday, representatives of Ukraine, Russia and Turkey met in Istanbul to negotiate again on a corridor through which 20 million tonnes of grain from Ukraine can be brought to the world market via Turkey. According to Turkish sources an agreement was reached, but nothing has been signed or published yet.

After intensive negotiations, the EU Commission and Lithuania have not been able to agree on a new directive for the control of sanctioned goods on the transit route between Russia and the exclave of Kaliningrad. This means that the second sanction stage for goods traffic came into force on Sunday. Lithuania has restricted transit since the end of June. Commentators advise not to lose their nerve.

In response to Russia's war against Ukraine, Latvia is reintroducing compulsory military service for men from 2023. Since 2007 - three years after joining Nato - the Latvian armed forces have consisted only of professional soldiers, alongside a National Guard made up of volunteers. The national press assesses this innovation positively, yet in part as insufficient.

For weeks, international concern has been growing that Minsk will join Russia's war against Ukraine. Following Vladimir Putin's announcement of the delivery of nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles to neighbouring Belarus, Alexander Lukashenka on Monday reiterated his support for Russia's actions in Ukraine. Britain has already announced new sanctions. What will happen next?

At a two-day conference in Switzerland that was originally intended to focus on anti-corruption, delegates from Ukraine consulted with international partners about the reconstruction of the country when Russia's war of aggression ends. Kyiv estimates that at least 720 billion euros will be needed. More than 40 states and international organisations promised their help in the Lugano Declaration.

Russia's conquests in the east of Ukraine are piling up. After the Luhansk region came almost entirely under Russian control with the fall of Lysychansk on Monday, Moscow's troops are advancing on the last cities still under Ukrainian control in the Donetsk region. For Europe's press, however, the outcome of the war is still not clear.

Ukraine's ambassador to Berlin Andrij Melnyk has provoked angry reactions after denying in an interview that the nationalist Ukrainian partisan leader Stepan Bandera was involved in massacres of Jews and Poles during the Second World War. The Kyiv Foreign Ministry clearly distanced itself from the remarks, saying that Melnyk had expressed his personal opinion. Nevertheless, there is widespread indignation, especially in Warsaw.

At least 18 people were killed when a Russian missile hit a busy shopping centre in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk on Monday. The participants of the G7 summit have called the attack a war crime and threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with consequences. Ukrainian media discuss what turn the war will take now.

Lithuania has banned the transit of certain goods across its territory to the Russian Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad, citing EU sanctions as the reason for the measure. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has described the move as an "openly hostile" blockade, and the Russian foreign ministry has threatened consequences. Europe's press examines what form they could take.

More than 7.5 million people have left Ukraine since the Russian invasion began. In the EU they are entitled to temporary protection for at least a year, with the right to a residence permit, work and housing, medical care and education for their children. Europe's press discusses the challenges on the path to successful integration.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis sent a clear message of solidarity with Ukraine during their visit to Kyiv, vowing to support the nation as long as needed. President Voldymyr Zelensky spoke of a "historic day" for his country. Commentators say more must be done, however.

A court in the self-proclaimed separatist Donetsk People's Republic DPR has handed down death sentences to two British and one Moroccan citizen who fought on the Ukrainian side. The British government and many countries in Europe have sharply criticised the judgment, saying it violates the law of war. Commentators are equally outraged - and concerned.

No apologies, barely a hint of self-criticism: for the first time since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, ex-German chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken at length about her former foreign policy. While in office she put consistent effort into preventing an escalation with Moscow, the CDU politician said in an interview on Tuesday evening. What do the media think of her stance?

While the states of the European Union are trying to present a united front vis-à-vis Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, EU accession candidate Serbia is backing out. Belgrade is avoiding joining the sanctions front and relying on good relations with Moscow. Commentators call for clear statements from Brussels.

Respect for borders, the sovereignty of states and the taboo of wars of aggression: all these principles have been radically called into question with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Europe's press asks how the world order is changing and what the new rules will look like.

The Russian navy has been blockading Black Sea ports including Ukrainian grain exports since the war against Ukraine began. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov yesterday rejected any responsibility for the famines that are looming in several countries and put the onus on Kyiv. Once Ukraine has de-mined its ports Moscow is willing to open grain export corridors, he said. Europe's press is dubious.

In an interview published in several French regional newspapers, President Emmanuel Macron has warned that humiliating Russia could prevent a diplomatic solution in the war against Ukraine once the fighting ends. He also said he believed France would play a mediating role to end the conflict.

Russia has been waging its war of aggression against Ukraine since 24 February 2022. Although Kyiv has managed to stop the country from being completely overrun, it has lost control of roughly one-fifth of its territory including the areas taken over in 2014 - despite all the weapons and support from the West. If the war continues like this the future looks bleak, commentators fear.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has displayed unusual force when countering accusations from the opposition that Germany is being too timid in its support for Ukraine: "We are providing comprehensive help," Scholz said during a budget debate in the Bundestag on Wednesday. As well as the weapons already supplied, Kyiv will receive the modern Iris-T air defence system, Gepard tanks and self-propelled howitzers from Berlin, he added. Commentators see this as just the beginning.

Turkey's President Erdoğan has again offered to act as mediator in talks aimed at ending the war in Ukraine, and proposed Istanbul as the venue. After German Chancellor Scholz and French President Macron had a phone conversation with Putin last week, Erdoğan has now also talked on the phone to the Russian president. And Turkey would be willing to participate in an observation mission in cooperation with Russia, Ukraine and the UN, he said. Commentators are dubious.

After more than a month of debate over imposing an oil embargo against Russia, the EU has reached a compromise: imports via sea routes will be blocked, while landlocked countries Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia will be able to continue receiving oil via the Druzhba pipeline. Hungary in particular fiercely opposed the embargo. Europe's press examines what this middle path can achieve.

Against the backdrop of new, intensified Russian attacks in eastern Ukraine, Europe is at odds over whether and how to end the war. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke on the phone with Russia's President Putin on Saturday in an attempt to persuade him to agree to a ceasefire. Prior to that, proposals put forward by former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had caused a stir. The press is divided.

The war in Ukraine is shifting the balance of power in Europe. Finland and Sweden want to join Nato, Ukraine wants to join the EU. Russia cannot be completely isolated, President Vladimir Putin said yesterday in a video link with the Eurasian Economic Forum in Bishkek. European media examine whose side their countries are really on.

A member of Russia's UN mission in Geneva has quit his post. "I've never been so ashamed of my country," Boris Bondarev wrote in a farewell letter sent to his colleagues at the Russian Foreign Ministry. Europe's press commends the diplomat's courage but dampens hopes that many others will follow suit.

A 21-year-old Russian soldier has been sentenced to life in prison in the first war crimes trial since the war in Ukraine began. He confessed to shooting an unarmed 62-year-old civilian under pressure from his superior as they were trying to retreat and escape back to Russia in a stolen car in the first days of the war. His lawyer has said he will appeal the judgment. Europe's press takes stock of the trial from different perspectives.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger talked about ways to end the war in Ukraine. A humiliating defeat for Moscow would be dangerous, whereas territorial concessions to Russia would be an investment in long-term peace on the continent, he said. This elicits fierce reactions from Europe's commentators.

Although there are no signs of an end to Russia's war against Ukraine for the time being, people are already talking about how to rebuild the country. In Britain, the US, and also the EU there are discussions about whether it would be possible to use Russian capital assets that have been frozen due to sanctions. Other ideas are circulating in Europe's media.

Hunger levels around the world have reached a dramatic new high-point. The war in Ukraine has exacerbated the problem because Russia has suspended its own grain exports and is blocking those from Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Now President Putin has said that he will lift the blockade on Ukrainian wheat if the sanctions against Russia are eased. What should the West do?

On the one hand the victory at the Azov steel plant can be seen as a partial success for the Russian army. At the same time there are growing signs that Russia is failing to achieve its war objectives, suffering considerable losses and being pushed back in some areas. Western intelligence services also report that Putin is increasingly interfering in day-to-day military operations. Europe's press speculates about the political pressure on Russia's domestic front.

Almost three months have passed since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine has managed to hold its own so far also thanks to Western backing, but it has not been able to gain the upper hand against Putin's troops. Commentators are unhappy with Europe's response to the war.

According to Russian sources, the last Ukrainian soldiers who fought until last week against the capture of the strategically important port city of Mariupol have left the Azovstal steel works and are now in Russian hands. The Ukrainian military leadership hopes for a prisoner exchange. Russian media in exile discuss their fate.

Sweden and Finland have submitted their applications to join Nato. The ratification process could now take up to a year. Moscow has called the plans a "grave mistake" and threatened consequences. Turkey has also voiced objections. Europe's press discusses the implications of the decision.

The war in Ukraine has prompted a historic shift in Finland's foreign policy: Prime Minister Sanaa Marin and President Sauli Niinistö said on Thursday that their country should join Nato 'without delay' on the grounds that membership would boost Finland's security. What does the move mean for the future of the European continent?

US Defense Secretary LLoyd Austin and his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu on Friday had their first conversation since the war began. The EU is also stepping up diplomatic efforts: leading politicians are visiting Kyiv and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are pushing for a ceasefire as a basis for negotiations. Commentators voice doubts that these efforts will succeed.

In his Victory Day address on Red Square, Vladimir Putin described Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a preventive step in the interest of peace. He said the West had been arming Ukraine and planning an invasion. The speech contained neither an official declaration of war nor the announcement of a general mobilisation. Europe's press analyses its content and impact.

For decades, the EU's foundations have been based on trade and the internal market, while security was the responsibility of others. This has changed with Russia's war against Ukraine. Security and defence policy are now at the top of the agenda, and in supplying arms the EU is taking sides. Not all European media welcome this change.

In his speech on Victory Day Putin has neither officially declared war on Ukraine nor ordered a general mobilisation of the country. Commentaries published immediately before Putin's address reflect how high the expectations were for the day and its impact on the war.

Russia's war against Ukraine is prompting more and more states to ask fundamental questions about their stance in global politics. Neutral countries like Switzerland and Austria are struggling to define their role. Others are at odds over the consequences of military support for Kyiv. European commentators complain that the debate is not being conducted honestly.

For weeks now, even independent surveys in Russia have put the approval rate for Putin's policies at a more or less constant level of around 82 percent. However, in view of all the propaganda, censorship and penalties for protest, Europe's commentators are dubious about how reliable these results are - especially now that the war against Ukraine has been going on for more than 100 days.

The EU Commission plans to further tighten its sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine: Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented a sixth package on Wednesday, which also includes an oil embargo. Transitional periods are intended to make it easier for skeptical member states to agree to the measures. European commentators pose questions about the potential consequences.

On 8 May many European countries celebrate the liberation from Nazi Germany and the end of the Second World War. Russia marks the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany with a Victory Day parade on Red Square on 9 May. This year, however, the celebrations are overshadowed by the war against Ukraine, which Putin is deliberately intertwining with the historical occasion for propaganda purposes.

Just over a week has passed since Ukraine's allies - including Germany - concentrated and expanded their military support for the country in its fight against Russia. Diplomatic efforts to end the war have for the most part been put on hold. A group of German intellectuals has now expressed grave concerns about this in an open letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Europe's press discusses the arms build-up and German sensitivities.

The war in Ukraine is entering a new phase. More and more states in the West are supplying the Ukrainian army with heavy weapons. Russia is not only threatening to cut off gas supplies but also indicating it is prepared to resort to nuclear weapons. Europe's press is concerned and wonders how dangerous the cornered president can get.

A string of explosions in the breakaway region of Transnistria in the east of the Republic of Moldova is raising concerns about an expansion of the war in Ukraine. On Monday, a government building in Tiraspol was shelled and on Tuesday, two radio antenneas were blown up. Transnistria has been controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 1992. The border is about 40 kilometres from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa. The press is alarmed.

At the invitation of the US, more than 40 countries met on Tuesday at Ramstein Air Base in Germany to demonstrate unity in supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia. Berlin agreed to supply tanks to Kyiv after much hesitation and London plans to provide fighter jets. Europe's press debates whether more weapons will help or risk further escalation.

Vladimir Putin regularly attends Orthodox Church ceremonies on religious holidays, however he has rejected calls for a pause in the fighting in Ukraine over Orthodox Easter on 24 April. The ecumenical patriarch of all the self-governing Eastern Orthodox churches, Bartholomew I of Constantinople, has repeatedly called for an immediate end to the invasion. Europe's press comments on this Easter celebrated as war rages.

Against the backdrop of the rapidly deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised financial support but not the heavy weapons demanded by Kyiv. Like several other voices in the German press, he fears that weapons deliveries could further escalate the conflict. Europe's press for the most part finds this approach too hesitant.

Moscow announced it had captured the southern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol on Thursday morning, but Kyiv promptly contradicted this. Ukrainian forces are still putting up resistance at the Azovstal steel plant. Only a few civilians at a time are being allowed to leave the port city, which has been sealed off by Russian military forces for weeks. Aerial shots show what appears to be new mass graves. Europe's press examines the symbolic significance of this battleground.

As a sanction against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russian and Belarusian tennis players will be banned from participating in this year's Grand Slam tournament at Wimbledon in London. The ban will affect No. 2 seed Daniil Medvedev from Russia and two-time Grand Slam winner Victoria Asarenka from Belarus. The press disagrees on whether this is the right approach.

The parliaments of the three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Thursday labelled Russia's actions in Ukraine as genocide - about a week after US President Joe Biden also accused Russia of genocide in Ukraine. Commentators call for further steps to be taken.

EU Council President Charles Michel paid an unexpected visit to Kyiv on Wednesday. At a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky he said the EU would "do everything" to ensure Ukraine "will win the war". Empty promises or a sea change?

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared on Tuesday that the large-scale military operation against eastern Ukraine marked the beginning of a "new phase" in the war. The Russian forces are stepping up their attacks, the situation in the embattled port city of Mariupol is dramatic. Commentators debate anxiously over whether this new stage could involve nuclear weapons.

The battle for eastern Ukraine is raging: the Russian military on Wednesday reported that it had attacked 1,053 Ukrainian military sites. Ukraine said that it had blocked Russian troops from entering Sloviansk. Evacuations have begun in Kramatorsk. Ukrainian President Zelensky warned the population about attacks on residential areas. Commentators are following the situation with grave concern.

A meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday failed to produce an agreement on imposing an oil embargo against Russia. According to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, however, this option is not off the table. In the meantime, creative ways are being found to sidestep the sanctions already imposed, Europe's press observes.

On Wednesday evening, the heads of state of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland travelled to Ukraine to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky and send a signal of solidarity. The evening before the meeting it was reported that German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier had been told he was not not welcome in Kyiv. Commentators can understand why.

Many left-wing parties in Europe are facing a crucial test: what stance to adopt vis-à-vis Russia, which is waging a war of aggression against Ukraine, but which as the successor state of the Soviet Union helped liberate Europe from fascism? And how do they feel about the US, Nato, arms supplies and rearmament? This dilemma is also reflected in the press.

Russia's president has stressed that the attack against Ukraine is proceeding according to plan and denied that the withdrawal from the Kyiv region was a defeat. He claims the intention was to first paralyse the enemy so that Russia would be better positioned for the planned major offensive in eastern Ukraine. Some observers say Moscow plans to take eastern Ukraine before 9 May. Europe's press is worried.

The war in Ukraine is having a major impact on the world economy. Shortages of grain and other essential foodstuffs are causing prices for basic foodstuffs to rise rapidly, according to the WTO. A look at Europe's commentaries shows which approaches are not at all helpful.

The atrocities committed in Bucha, which Moscow categorically denies, sent shock waves around the world and provoked an even harsher tone against Russia. Now a video has emerged - verified by the New York Times - showing the execution of a captured Russian soldier by troops fighting under the Ukrainian flag. Europe's press debates how to deal with such acts.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital on the weekend. On the one hand, the UK has supplied Ukraine with weapons without hesitation since the beginning of the war, but on the other hand it has been slow in imposing sanctions on Russian oligarchs for a long time. Commentators criticise the PM for putting himself in the limelight.

Now it’s Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer who who is trying to mediate in the Ukraine war. On Monday he travelled to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin in person, becoming the first EU leader to meet with Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine. While there he called for an investigation into war crimes like the one in Bucha. Commentators discuss what the visit can achieve in the current situation.

Zelensky spoke to the Greek parliament in a video address on Thursday. He also showed the video message of a man who introduced himself as a member of the Greek minority in Ukraine and is fighting in Mariupol. The fact that the man is a member of the ultra-nationalist Azov regiment has triggered debate in the commentary sections of Greek media.

The Ukraine war has given new impetus to the ongoing debate about the United Nations' power or rather lack thereof. Kyiv, in particular, has described the Security Council as toothless in view of Russia's veto power as a permanent member and called for a general reform of the international body. The Human Rights Council is also under fire - despite the suspension of Russia's membership.

Moscow's blanket denials of atrocities in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha have sparked widespread outrage. While the West is imposing new sanctions and calls for war crimes trials grow louder, Ukraine is reporting many new civilian casualties in other areas from which the Russian troops have withdrawn. What can and should Europe do to prevent further suffering?

Russia has passed a decree stipulating that in future purchases of Russian gas must be paid for in roubles through an account at Gazprombank. The decree takes effect this Friday. Moscow's demand has been categorically rejected by important customers such as Germany and France. Europe's press takes very different views on who will suffer most as a result of the decree.

Organisations such as the UN World Food Programme are sounding the alarm: the war in Ukraine is not only causing suffering for those in the disputed areas but also also threatens to unleash a global food crisis. Taken together, Ukraine and Russia produce a third of the world's wheat, for example. Europe's press debates strategies in this dangerous situation.

Turkey was an obvious choice as the venue for the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia: it shares a border with both countries. Turkey is a member of Nato and supported Russia's opponents in Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, but it also has frequent quarrels with the EU over gas, Cyprus and refugees. As a mediator, it has now gained additional clout. Commentators are less than enthusiastic.

There were signs of rapprochement in the negotiations on the Ukraine war on Tuesday. Russia said it plans to reduce its attacks on Kyiv and concentrate on eastern Ukraine. Ukraine formulated conditions for agreeing to neutrality, including the establishment of a group of states that will guarantee the country's security. Europe's press remains very sceptical.

For the first time in three weeks, Ukrainian and Russian delegations are coming together for direct face-to-face negotiations this week. Ukraine has said the minimum goal was to improve the humanitarian situation in the besieged cities, but has also indicated willingness to discuss neutrality. Some commentators discuss whether there is a chance that these negotiations could lead to a quick ceasefire. Others advise Ukraine not to rush things.

Russia's war against Ukraine has prompted Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden and other countries to announce increases in their military budgets. Berlin alone plans to spend an additional 100 billion euros this year. But defence requires more than just money, Europe's press observes.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine criticism of Germany for its hitherto Russia-friendly policy has increased. The country has now put the controversial Nordstream 2 pipeline project on ice but it continues to purchase gas from Russia and for economic reasons rejects calls for it to immediately suspend all imports. Commentators are annoyed.

During his speech in Poland, Biden stressed that the Western military alliance would defend every inch of Nato territory. However, two remarks in which he called Putin "a butcher" and declared that he "cannot remain in power" caused more of a stir. Europe's press examines the consequences.

Russia has been trying to subjugate Ukraine since February 24 - so far without success but with catastrophic humanitarian consequences. While Russia and Ukraine meet to negotiate a potential ceasefire in Istanbul, the European press takes a look at post-war scenarios.

In a video speech to the Israeli Knesset on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke of Moscow envisaging a "final solution" to destroy the people of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has frequently been compared to Hitler and Stalin. Useful or dangerous? Europe's press is divided.

The war in Ukraine has not only forced millions living there to flee, it is also fuelling an exodus from Russia - the most recent prominent case being Olga Smirnova, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, who is now in the Netherlands. According to an assessment by research website Thrivemyway, Russians have done millions of online searches for "emigration from Russia 2022" since the end of February. How will they be received in Europe?

Bombardments and assaults on hospitals, residential areas and civilians are all officially classified as war crimes. The International Criminal Court thus opened an investigation into Russia's attacks on Ukraine as early as 3 March. Last Wednesday, US President Joe Biden openly called Vladimir Putin a war criminal. Commentators examine what calling Putin a war criminal - and taking legal action against him - can achieve.

Three weeks after Russian troops invaded Ukraine, Kremlin leader Putin repeated his justifications for the war in a televised address, saying Russia must defend itself against the attacks of the West. He said the "special military operation" to demilitarise Ukraine was going according to plan. Commentators see the repetition of untruths as a sign of instability.

Zelensky has repeatedly addressed parliamentarians since the war began: first he reminded MEPs that Ukraine belongs to the European family. Addressing the US Congress he spoke of Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Speaking to the British House of Commons, he quoted Churchill. And in the German Bundestag he spoke of a new wall that Putin was building across Europe. How effective is this strategy?

The negotiations between representatives of Ukraine and Russia on the Ukraine war have so far failed to produce results. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky therefore reiterated on Monday the need for direct talks between him and Putin. He said Ukraine was ready to renounce Nato membership if it received equivalent security guarantees. Europe's press sees many obstacles.

On Monday evening, journalist Marina Ovsyannikova ran on to the set during the live main news programme of Russian state-controlled TV station Channel 1 holding a sign with anti-war and anti-propaganda appeals. The scene only lasted a few seconds but reached millions of viewers. Ovsyannikova was arrested but has now been fined and released. The European press praises her courageous action.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the Russian delegation's position in the negotiations is becoming "more realistic". At the same time the Russian military has stepped up its attacks on Ukraine. Commentators discuss what support Europe can provide.

The prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia travelled by train to Kyiv on Tuesday to pledge solidarity and support for Ukraine in a meeting with President Zelensky. "This is the fight of freedom against the world of tyranny," said Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki. There was no official EU mandate for the visit, but it is said to have been coordinated with Brussels and the UN. Zelensky said the visit was a strong signal of support. Europe's press takes differing views.

The war in Ukraine is causing a marked rise in energy prices across the globe. This is one of the factors driving Europe to seek independence from Russian fossil fuels as quickly as possible. In the short term, governments are also trying to develop strategies to cushion the impact of price hikes and counteract the impoverishment of the population. Europe's press debates the different approaches.

Citing government officials, the New York Times, the Financial Times and other US newspapers have reported that Moscow has asked Beijing for military aid in the Ukraine war. Zhao Lijian, deputy director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has said this is misinformation. Europe's press discusses the potential consequences if Beijing steps in to support Moscow.

For the first time a foreign journalist has been killed in in the Ukraine war. In Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, 50-year-old US reporter Brent Renaud died of gunshot wounds in a car on Sunday. A colleague and the Ukrainian driver were injured. The increasingly difficult situation for journalists covering the war prompts commentators to reflect on their profession.

With the war in Ukraine, relations between Russia and the rest of Europe have reached their lowest point since the end of the Cold War. All EU countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia have been put on a list of "hostile countries" by Putin. The European press looks to the past and reflects on how Europe should prepare for the future.

The British government has imposed sanctions on seven Russian oligarchs considered to have close ties to President Putin, including the owner of the football team Chelsea FC, Roman Abramovich. Their assets are to be frozen and they are banned from entering the country. In addition, they are no longer allowed to do business with British companies or private individuals. Are these measures justified?

Energy prices were already high before the Ukraine war, and continue to rise, while inflation is at around seven percent in many European countries. Foodstuffs, particularly wheat and sunflower oil, of which Russia and Ukraine are major producers, has become much more expensive. Commentators fear a serious economic crisis, to varying degrees.

The meeting between Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Antalya ended without concrete results. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu was nevertheless cautiously optimistic: "No one expected that all the problems would be solved, but a start had to be made." Commentators agree.

Punitive measures against Russia are not only cutting off Russians' access to Western products but in some cases also to education and cultural exchange. Many Russians who oppose Russia's course are having problems organising their departure from the country. The press discusses whether the sanctions are hitting their mark.

Talks between Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba are under way in Turkey today in the first meeting between high-ranking representatives of the two countries since the war began. In Europe's commentary columns expectations that the meeting will be fruitful remain low.

Poland has offered to send 28 Soviet-made fighter jets, which Ukrainian air force pilots already know how to fly, to Ukraine to help it defend itself against the Russian invaders. The MiG-29 jets were to be delivered to a US air base in Germany, repainted, and transferred to Ukraine. Washington has now rejected the scheme citing fears that Nato could be dragged into the war. Is this peacekeeping or a missed opportunity?

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, European non-Nato members are increasingly concerned about their own security. In Finland and Sweden in particular, support for proposals to join the Western defence alliance is growing. Finland's President Sauli Niinistö expects a large parliamentary majority to vote in favour of applying for membership. Commentators stress that security is not just a military issue.

The US has announced a ban on energy imports from Russia. Although the EU will not join the embargo, it plans to cut imports of Russian gas by two-thirds by the end of the year and be independent of Russian fossil fuels well before 2030. While some commentators stress that this is not the time for hesitation, others argue that an embargo won't make much difference anyway.

Russia and China have strengthened their relations in recent years. After breaking its ties with the West, Moscow now seems more dependent on Beijing, which has so far remained neutral on the Ukraine issue. Commentators look at who would benefit from a new axis between Russia and China.

Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is trying his hand as a mediator in the Ukraine war. First he trvelled to Moscow for a meeting with Putin and then he flew to Berlin. But China is also under discussion for the role. Europe's press examines the options and the vested interests states may be pursuing when they propose their service as mediators.

President Volodymyr Zelensky is calling on Nato to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine to stop the bombing of his country by Russia. But all members of the defence alliance have so far categorically ruled out this option. President Putin has reiterated his warning that Russia would interpret such a move as a declaration of war and retaliate accordingly. Europe's press is divided.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said that on Thursday further sanctions to be imposed by the United States and other countries against Russia to hasten the end of the invasion of Ukraine will be announced. Europe's press discusses how willing individual states are to cooperate.

The Russian president is showing no signs of relenting in the war against Ukraine. After a telephone conversation with Putin, French President Macron said that the worst was yet to come. Kyiv evoked "nuclear terror" in the wake of the shelling of the site of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and urgently called for more weapons. European commentators ask whether peace is at all possible.

The United Nations General Assembly has passed by an overwhelming majority a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for the immediate withdrawal of its military forces. 141 members voted for the resolution, with five votes against and 35 abstentions. A previous binding resolution in the UN Security Council failed due to the Russian veto. How far does Putin's influence still reach?

After a week of war, the crisis in Ukraine has taken on ever more dramatic proportions. Several major cities were targeted by heavy air attacks last night, and the southern city of Kherson has fallen to the Russian forces. Ukrainian and Russian representatives are now to meet for a new round of talks in Belarus. Europe's press examines to what extent Putin has his back to the wall.

In his first State of the Union Address, US President Joe Biden not only addressed his own people but also emphasised the West's unity against the Russian attack on Ukraine. Commentators take stock of the speech and express relief that Biden's predecessor is no longer in office.

For days now, European media have been covering the war in Ukraine around the clock, often stressing that these events are taking place in the middle of Europe. More distant conflicts receive less attention and refugees from other crisis areas less solidarity, commentators criticise.

As Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities intensify, plans for online talks between delegations from the two countries have been announced. President Zelensky hopes the new round of talks will pave the way for a meeting with his Russian counterpart Putin. Europe's press doubts that real progress can be made.

The war in Ukraine is also having repercussions on international cultural life: Russian star conductor Valery Gergiev lost his post as chief conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra after he failed to publicly distance himself from his friend Vladimir Putin. Performances by opera star Anna Netrebko, who said on the weekend that she was against artists being forced to reveal their political beliefs, have also been cancelled. Europe's press analyses the pros and cons of such views.

Ukraine has asked for expedited European Union membership under a special procedure. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stressed the EU's special relationship with Ukraine in an interview on Sunday: "Ukraine is one of us and we want them in the European Union." Europe's press debates to what extent a fast-track accession procedure would be possible - and sensible.

The European Union has announced it will provide Ukraine with half a billion euros worth of weapons and equipment. Tough sanctions against Russia were adopted quickly and unanimously. Commentators are impressed by this unusually rapid and unified response.

The 44-year-old Volodymyr Zelensky has been President of Ukraine since May 2019. Before that, the lawyer worked as an actor and comedian. His courageous and skillful denunciation of Putin's brutality and calls on the West to show solidarity have turned him into a national and international role model, as Europe's press comments admiringly.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing the Russian invasion of their country and heading westwards - mainly to neighbouring states where many Ukrainians already live, but also beyond. Commentators call for as much help and support as possible for these people, but also focus on the challenges this brings.

Berlin has reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine with a change of course in its defence policy. Anti-tank and surface-to-air missiles from the Bundeswehr are due to arrive in Ukraine today, Monday. Europe's press discusses to what extent this marks a turning point.

Russian citizens are protesting in different ways: they are risking brutal suppression in banned street protests, signing petitions, and people in the cultural sector are boycotting their state employers. However, the majority of the population continues to support the government's course. Commentators discuss the role played by the various actors here and the protesters' chances of success.

In reaction to the harsher sanctions against his country, Russia's President Putin has ordered a "special regime of combat duty" for the army's deterrent forces, including nuclear weapons. He justified the step with what he called "aggressive statements" by the West. The US has interpreted the move as a further escalation and Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has stressed the seriousness of the situation. Europe's press also voices its concern.

The Russian military attacked Ukraine in the early hours of this Thursday morning. Missiles hit the capital Kyiv and other cities, while ground troops advanced on several fronts on Ukrainian territory. Putin warned other states not to stand in Russia's way. Europe's press is appalled and demands consequences.

Now that Moscow has effectively declared war on Kyiv, what about the rest of Eastern Europe? Could tanks soon be rolling into Estonia or Poland? Are more attacks in the offing? Commentators discuss what Europe must prepare for.

Russian Finance Ministry announced on Thursday that it had transferred the 117 million dollars in interest on Eurobonds. In view of the sanctions, it was unclear right up to the last moment whether Moscow would honour its contractual obligations. Commentators discuss the likelihood of Russia going bankrupt as well as what holds the country's economy together.

The Russian military continued its large-scale attack on Ukraine on Thursday and Friday. According to official figures coming out of Kyiv, at least 137 people were killed on Thursday. Missiles also hit residential buildings. Tanks are reportedly advancing on the capital. More than 100,000 people are fleeing the attacks, according to the UN. Europe's press discusses what the EU and Nato can do.

While people in Ukraine are taking refuge in bomb shelters and metro stations, preparing to defend themselves or to leave the country, the rest of Europe is wondering what Putin's war on its own doorstep means for the future - also in the long term. Commentators are clear on one thing: this is a watershed moment after which nothing will be the same.