The EU Commission has published its fifth Rule of Law report. It concludes that many of the 27 member states have made good progress but harshly criticises Hungary. The report makes eight recommendations to Budapest in all four areas of the rule of law: the justice system, anti-corruption measures, the separation of powers and press freedom. Slovakia was also admonished for shortcomings in the latter area.

Szabad Európa (HU) (RO)
La Repubblica (IT)
Denník N (SK)
Adevărul (RO)


Diário de Notícias (PT)
L'Opinion (FR)
Corriere della Sera (IT)
The Economist (GB)
Die Welt (DE)
Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR Online) (EE)
Postimees (EE)
Krytyka Polityczna (PL)
Rzeczpospolita (PL)
Ilta-Sanomat (FI)
Mandiner (HU)
Frankfurter Rundschau (DE)
Aargauer Zeitung (CH)
El País (ES) (HR)
Der Tagesspiegel (DE)
Corriere della Sera (IT)
Les Echos (FR)
Libération (FR)
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